Water is life
Water is the basic requirement for all life. From a chemistry perspective, water is a molecule in which a single oxygen atom is linked to two hydrogen atoms. Water is the only chemical compound on Earth that naturally occurs in liquid, solid and gaseous forms. But water is much more than this even. It is arguably one of the largest repositories of information in the world.
From the day it emerges from the spring, it begins to absorb and store information. Spring water is vital and rich in energy and has a particularly soft and mild taste. The surface of the Earth, or blue planet, consists of about 71% water. Despite the large amount of water on Earth, only a small part of it is drinking water. That part is subject to considerable strain, and increasingly so.
Water contamination
However, due to various environmental influences, impurities or disinfection, water often loses its positive properties. Furthermore, ever-increasing levels of substances like pesticides, nitrates, hormones and even drug residues are entering our drinking water in high concentrations.
When drinking water is treated, a variety of treatment processes and chemical substances are then also used to disinfect the water and remove unwanted substances. As a result of the water's treatment and pressure in the pipes, but also due to mobile phone or radio waves, the water loses its vitality and becomes flaccid.
Although our drinking water is drinkable, it often lacks its original purity, strength and vitality.

Water clusters – what are they?
Undesirable substances and pollutants in the water can be partially removed by means of filter systems. These are the heavy parts (substances), which are filtered out of the water. However, the pollutant information itself remains stored in the matrix of the water. In addition, so-called water clusters can form.
Water clusters are unstable, usually short-lived assemblies of water molecules that form larger molecular compounds. Pollutants bind more easily to water molecules that are clustered in this way. This means that they are absorbed to a greater extent by humans in harmful quantities. At the same time, water is involved in countless metabolic functions.
Water and metabolism
An adequate daily intake of water is a prerequisite in order for all bodily functions to take place properly. Those who drink sufficient water every day therefore keep their metabolism going, nurture their body and mind, and thus positively support their own health. As an all-rounder, water helps with a very wide range of bodily functions. Here are some examples:
- It allows the body's cells to grow, multiply and survive
- It lubricates joints, minimising damage from friction
- It acts as a shock absorber for the brain and spinal cord
- It helps with oxygen supply and the body's own natural detoxification during the excretion of toxins
- Proper hydration supports your kidney and liver function in optimising fat metabolism
- It forms saliva and converts food into essential components for survival
- It improves excretion and nutrient absorption and keeps mucous membranes moist
- It is required by the brain to produce hormones and neurotransmitters
- It leaves skin looking smooth, healthy and young

The human body is made up of about 60 to 75% water. Good water quality is crucial for our well-being. What should the water in your body be like?
Making water quality visible
The i-like technology has been distinguished by the Emoto Hado Life laboratory for excellent water quality.
Water has the unique property of reacting to any influence (vibrations) from the outside. Based on the dipole character of water (differences in charge/poles within a molecule), billions of very diverse connections are created between the water molecules every second. The Hado Life water laboratory has been testing water for its formative properties for many years.
Based on the findings of Dr Emoto, the formative visual forces of water are investigated and illustrated by images of ice crystals. Even if, from a chemical point of view, the two images show absolutely identical substances (H2O), the change to the information can be clearly seen with the i-like technology.
Excerpt of a presentation by Dipl.-Ing Rasmus Gaupp-Berghausen, MSc:
"About 2500 years ago, all science drifted off course into quantities – everything was now determined only by numbers. This means that if you are investigating water today, you are investigating everything except the water itself. You investigate how much nitrate and nitrite are in there, maybe the pH and all the pollutants. But the water itself is not examined. You have to think of it like a human being. If you were to examine a human and say, you have this much nitrogen, this much calcium and this much protein, that would not even come close to describing the human being, but would only represent a sum of loose elements. And that's exactly what many are doing with water today."
Water, the elixir of life
Our bodies are not only predominantly made up of water – it also takes care of many vital functions in our bodies. And we don't just use water for drinking. It is also used to cleanse the body, or, more specifically, to care for the largest human organ – the skin.
Water, it seems, is more than just the sum of its ingredients. Water has the unique ability to react to any external influence. Harmonised water with good information is a prerequisite for vitality and well-being.
What should the water in your body be like?
The i-like concept offers you support with pioneering wellness technology.
To do this, the i-like technology makes use of the following:

The break-up of clusters
Water molecules can be realigned. The stability and order of the water can be built up, and clusters can dissipate.

Information codes
The i-like technology provides information codes for vitalisation so that you can deal better with stress.

Balance & equilibrium
Thanks to the alignment of the water molecules, a good flow of information (GuQi = energy from food) and the right balance in the water are created.
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Information from 12 healing springs
Twelve healing springs from the following regions were selected for the information codes for water vitalisation: Lourdes, Leukerbad, Einsiedeln, Mariastein (BL), Klosters-Serneus, Rheinfelden, Bad Ramsach, Scuol, Pasir Putih (Malaysia), Lake Sinakara (Peru), Tuva (Siberia) and Altai (Siberia).
What does i-like technology do?
With our unique concept, we offer an extensive range of wellness technologies to strengthen your bio-resistance.

Vitalises electrosmog*
The intention is for specially developed information codes to be brought into harmony with the natural organism so that the body learns to defy the influences of electrosmog.

Strengthens the cell information
The primal information of life is stored in our cells. The combination of frequency technology and information codes is intended to strengthen the cell information.

Purifies the breathing air
Thanks to high-voltage technology, the OptimizAir neutralises fine dust, pollen, dust mites and mould. Excellent breathing air thanks to our unique activated bamboo charcoal filter.
*By vitalisation we mean the provision of information that surrounds our organism and that ought to be available as a field of resonance if necessary (i.e., in the case of slight dissonances in a system or on a level). It is therefore a matter of bringing certain frequency patterns into harmony with the natural organism and thus supporting one's own resilience (self-regulation).